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(한글자막) 오버워치 한국어 더빙을 본 외국인 반응  개웃김 ㅋㅋ

기모 영어로

기모 영어로의 의미

기모 영어로는 fleece로 번역 됩니다. Fleece라는 용어는 극지방에서 살아남기 위해 개발된 자살 순간의 내부 온도를 유지하기 위한 렛체 머스크 (yak hair)를 포함한 소프트한 털층으로 구성된 새끼 양의 모피를 의미합니다.

기모의 유래와 역사

기모의 유래는 1970년대 후반부터 1980년대에 이르기까지입니다. 이러한 시기에 기모제품은 아웃도어 활동같은 더 harsh한 조건을 위해서 고안되었습니다. 지금은 기모는 더 다양한 종류와 스타일로 제공되고 있습니다.

기모 영어권에서의 사용

기모는 일반적으로 겨울에 많이 사용되므로, 기모제품은 추운 계절에 옷의 보온성을 높여 줍니다. 기모제품은 또 여행을 하거나 등산을 하기 위한 방수용품으로도 사용될 수 있습니다.

기모 등장 시기와 영향력

기모의 등장은 아웃도어 및 가정용품 시장에서 막대한 영향을 미쳤습니다. 기존의 제품보다 높은 보온성과 내구성, 수증기 방출 능력 등의 장점 때문입니다.

기모 영어권에서의 인기와 활용

기모제품은 영국 및 미국에서 매우 인기가 있습니다. 이야기를 할 때, 사람들은 많은 동의어로 기모를 부르는 경우가 많지만, fleece라는 용어를 사용하는 것이 가장 일반적인 것 같습니다.

기모 영어 학습 방법

기모 영어를 학습하려면, 읽기, 쓰기, 듣기 및 말하기 모두에 대한 다양한 학습 자료와 리소스가 있습니다. 영어 독해 실력을 향상하기 위해 기모의 사용 예시를 찾아보고, 대화 연습을 할 수 있는 영어교실을 방문하는 것이 좋습니다.

기모 용어의 종류 및 의미

Fleece-lined – fleece로 안감해 덮인 것
기모안감 뜻 – 기모로 안감한 것
기모 뜻 – 기모라는 말은 soft, hairy material (털층으로 기구된 부드러운 소재)이라는 뜻
기모바지 – fleece로 만든 바지
기모 바지 뜻 – 털층이 들어간 바지
기모 단점 – 기모 내부에서 부상물 확산이 어려워 그 종류의 옷에 끼여 발생할 수 있는 단점이 있습니다.
기모 플리스 차이 – 기모는 보통 기구줄로 인접한 잡사이에만 털층이 붙어 있지만 플리스의 털은 더 길게 자랍니다.
Raising 기모 영어로 – 털층이 기구된 부드러운 소재

기모 영어와 관련된 사례 및 사실

기모에는 두 가지 형태가 있습니다. Polyester 같은 인조 섬유로 만든 것과 양털로 만든 것이 있습니다. 두 종류 모두 보온성이 좋지만, 양털로 만든 것에는 무난해요.

기모 옷을 드나드는 것은 Polypropylene이나 Polyester와 같은 인조 섬유보다 따뜻하다는 사실이 있습니다.


Q: 기모의 의미는 무엇인가요?

A: 기모라는 말은 soft, hairy material (털층으로 기구된 부드러운 소재)이라는 뜻입니다.

Q: 기모 영어로 무엇인가요?

A: 기모 영어로는 fleece로 번역됩니다.

Q: 기모 바지는 무엇인가요?

A: 기모 바지는 털층이 들어간 바지입니다.

Q: 기모제품의 장점은 무엇인가요?

A: 기모제품은 높은 보온성과 내구성, 수증기 방출 능력 등의 장점이 있습니다.

Q: 기모제품은 어떤 용도로 사용될 수 있나요?

A: 기모제품은 추운 계절에 옷의 보온성을 높여 줄 수 있으며, 여행을 하거나 등산을 하기 위한 방수용품으로도 사용될 수 있습니다.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 기모 영어로 fleece-lined, 기모안감 뜻, 기모 뜻, 기모바지, 기모 바지 뜻, 기모 단점, 기모 플리스 차이, Raising

Categories: Top 88 기모 영어로

(한글자막) 오버워치 한국어 더빙을 본 외국인 반응 개웃김 ㅋㅋ

여기에서 자세히 보기:


Fleece-Lined: A Korean Winter Essential

As winter approaches in Korea, the chilly temperatures require wardrobe changes to keep up with the harsh conditions. Among the essentials, fleece-lined clothing has emerged as one of the popular items to keep the body warm and cozy. Fleece-lined refers to a fabric that has a soft, furry layer of synthetic material, usually polyester, on the inside part of the garment. These clothes are not only practical for their warmth but have become a fashion statement. The trend has gained popularity in recent years as the fabric is versatile, available in various colors, and can be used in various clothing types, including jackets, hoodies, leggings, and socks. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of fleece-lined in Korea, its history, why it is a popular choice, and answer some frequently asked questions about this fabric.

The History of Fleece-Lined Clothing

The use of fuzz-lined clothing can be traced back to the Civil War era in the United States, where it was used primarily for military garments. It was not until the 1970s that the fabric gained popularity when outdoor clothing makers started using it in jackets and other clothing to provide warmth and moisture control in cold and unpredictable weather. In Korea, the history of fleece-lined clothing dates back to the 1990s when the first fleece-lined jacket was introduced. The jacket was designed to provide protection against harsh winter climates while also being comfortable and stylish.

Why Fleece-Lined Clothing is Popular in Korea

Korea is known for its bitterly cold winters, which can last for months. During this period, locals and visitors alike need to keep warm while moving about their daily activities. Fleece-lined clothing has become popular in Korea because it provides the perfect solution to stay comfortable during the winter. The fabric acts as an insulator, trapping air to create a layer of warmth that shields the body from the harsh climate. Additionally, the fabric is breathable, allowing for moisture-wicking properties, which prevents the buildup of sweat and keeps the body dry and warm.

Fleece-lined clothing has been embraced as a fashion trend in Korea, with people styling various items in different ways to express their personalities. The availability of versatile clothing such as jackets, leggings, and hoodies in different colors, sizes, and designs, guarantees that there is something for everyone. Furthermore, the durability and ease of care of fleece-lined clothing make it the ideal clothing choice in Korea. As such, it has become a staple in Korean wardrobes.

Frequently Asked Questions about Fleece-Lined Clothing

Q: What are the benefits of fleece-lined clothing?

A: Fleece-lined clothing has several benefits. One of the main advantages is that it is an insulating material, which ensures that the wearer remains warm. Additionally, the fabric is breathable and moisture-wicking, which prevents buildup of sweat and keeps the wearer dry and comfortable. Fleece-lined clothing is also durable and doesn’t require a lot of maintenance.

Q: What are some of the items available in fleece-lined fabric?

A: Fleece-lined fabric is versatile and can be used in several clothing types. Some of the items available in fleece-lined fabric include jackets, hoodies, sweaters, leggings, socks and hats.

Q: Is fleece-lined clothing suitable for outdoor activities?

A: Fleece-lined clothing is perfect for outdoor activities such as skiing and hiking. The fabric provides warmth, is breathable, and moisture-wicking, making it suitable for cold weather conditions.

Q: Can fleece-lined clothing shrink after washing?

A: It is essential to follow the washing instructions for fleece-lined clothing. Washing at a higher temperature can cause the fabric to shrink, and this can permanently damage the garment. It is recommended to wash fleece-lined clothing in cold water on a gentle cycle and hang it to dry.

Q: Are there any negatives to fleece-lined clothing?

A: One of the downsides of fleece-lined clothing is that it can attract lint and hair. This can be avoided by using a lint roller or brushing the garment before wearing it. Also, some people find that fleece-lined fabric irritates their skin, and those with sensitive skin may need to wear an additional layer underneath the garment.

Final Thoughts

Fleece-lined clothing is a fabric that has gained popularity in Korea, especially during winter. It is a versatile fabric that can be used in various clothing types, is available in various colors and designs, and provides warmth and insulation in cold weather conditions. As a fashion trend, it has gained popularity in recent years, with people styling it to express their personalities while staying warm and comfortable. However, before buying fleece-lined clothing, it’s crucial to understand its benefits, washing instructions, and downsides to make an informed decision. Ultimately, fleece-lined clothing has become a staple in the Korean wardrobe and is a must-have during the winter season.

기모안감 뜻

기모안감, also known as “fleeced lining” in English, refers to a type of fabric commonly used in the production of warm clothing and outdoor gear. It is a popular choice for colder climates due to its insulating properties and soft texture.

In Korean, the word “기모” (gimo) means “fleece” and “안감” (angam) means “lining.” Together, they create the term “기모안감” (gimo-angam), which literally translates to “fleece lining.”

The unique construction of 기모안감 involves a layer of synthetic wool or polyester fibers that are woven into a textile material. This is then applied as a lining to the interior of clothing or other textile products. The fleece adds an extra layer of warmth and insulation, making it perfect for use in colder weather conditions.

기모안감 is commonly used in the production of outdoor gear such as jackets, gloves, and boots. It is also commonly found in blankets and pajamas to help keep you warm while you sleep. The soft texture and warmth provided by the fleece makes it a popular choice for adults and children alike.

Despite its popularity and usefulness, some people may have questions about 기모안감 and its uses. In this article, we will delve into some frequently asked questions about this fabric.


1. What materials are used to make 기모안감?

기모안감 is made from synthetic wool or polyester fibers that are woven into a textile material. The fibers are typically made from petroleum-based products and are engineered to have insulating properties. This allows them to trap heat and keep you warm even in cold weather conditions.

2. What types of clothing and products use 기모안감?

기모안감 is commonly found in clothing such as jackets, sweatshirts, and pajamas. It is also used in outdoor gear such as gloves, hats, and boots to provide extra insulation and warmth. Additionally, it can be found in blankets and other home textiles to keep you warm while you sleep.

3. Is 기모안감 suitable for all climates?

기모안감 is best suited for colder climates, as it provides extra insulation and warmth. If you live in a warmer climate, you may find that 기모안감 clothing is too warm and uncomfortable. In these cases, it is best to opt for clothing made from lighter materials such as cotton or linen.

4. How should I care for my 기모안감 clothing or products?

To care for 기모안감 clothing or products, it is important to follow the care instructions on the label. In general, 기모안감 products should be washed in cold water on a gentle cycle and hung to dry. Avoid using fabric softeners, as they can damage the fibers and reduce the effectiveness of the insulation.

5. Are there any downsides to using 기모안감?

One downside to using 기모안감 is that it can be bulky and heavy. This can make it difficult to move around in, especially if you are wearing multiple layers. Additionally, some people may find that the texture of the fleece is uncomfortable or itchy against their skin. It is important to try on clothing and products made from 기모안감 before purchasing to ensure that they are comfortable and fit well.

Despite these potential drawbacks, 기모안감 remains a popular fabric for cold weather clothing and outdoor gear. Its insulating properties and soft texture make it a go-to choice for anyone looking to stay warm and cozy in colder weather conditions.

기모 뜻

기모 뜻 In Korean – Everything You Need To Know

The Korean language is rich and complex, with many different words and phrases that have layers of meaning. One such phrase is 기모 뜻, which is often used in everyday conversation and has a variety of interpretations depending on the context in which it’s used.

If you’re looking to understand 기모 뜻 and its various meanings, then read on. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at this popular phrase and explore its origins, different usages, and common misconceptions.

What Is 기모 뜻?

기모 뜻 is a Korean phrase that translates to “the intention of 기모” in English. But what exactly is 기모? To understand the full meaning of 기모 뜻, it’s important to know what 기모 refers to.

기모 has multiple meanings depending on the context. One of the most common usages is to refer to clothing made from a particular type of fabric. The fabric is made from a blend of polyester, cotton, and spandex and is soft and stretchy. It is often used to make comfortable and affordable clothing such as leggings and sweatpants.

However, 기모 can also refer to a person who wears clothing made from this type of fabric. It’s used to describe someone who prefers comfortable clothing and prioritizes comfort over style.

기모 is a popular choice for many Koreans, especially during the cold winter months when warmth and comfort are essential. This is why 기모 뜻 has become a term that’s widely used today.

What Are the Different Interpretations of 기모 뜻?

As mentioned, 기모 뜻 has different meanings depending on the context. Here are some of the most common interpretations of 기모 뜻:

1. To prioritize comfort and practicality over fashion

One of the most common interpretations of 기모 뜻 is to prioritize comfort and practicality over fashion. This means that when someone says “I have 기모 뜻” they are indicating that they don’t care as much about looking fashionable as they do about feeling comfortable.

2. To be down-to-earth and unpretentious

Another interpretation of 기모 뜻 is to describe someone who is down-to-earth and unpretentious. When someone says “She has 기모 뜻” they are suggesting that she is humble and not concerned with superficial things.

3. To be genuine and authentic

A third interpretation of 기모 뜻 is to describe someone who is genuine and authentic. When someone says “He has 기모 뜻” they are indicating that he is honest and straightforward.

4. To be practical and level-headed

Another way to interpret 기모 뜻 is to describe someone who is practical and level-headed. When someone says “I’m trying to approach this situation with 기모 뜻” they are suggesting that they are trying to be logical and rational in their decision making.

Common Misconceptions About 기모 뜻

There are a few common misconceptions about 기모 뜻. Here are a few of them:

1. 기모 뜻 means to be lazy or unmotivated

This is a common misconception about 기모 뜻. While it’s true that people who prioritize comfort over fashion may be more likely to stay home than go out, that doesn’t mean they are lazy or unmotivated. In fact, many people who have 기모 뜻 lead active and productive lives, they just prefer to do it in comfortable clothing.

2. 기모 뜻 is only used to describe clothing made of 기모 fabric

While it’s true that 기모 is primarily used to describe clothing made from a certain type of fabric, 기모 뜻 has taken on a broader meaning in Korean society. So, when someone says “I have 기모 뜻” they may not necessarily be referring to the fabric itself, but rather to its broader connotations of comfort, practicality, and authenticity.


Q: Can 기모 뜻 be used to describe someone who is lazy or unmotivated?
A: No. While people who prioritize comfort over fashion may be more likely to stay home than go out, that doesn’t mean they are lazy or unmotivated. In fact, many people who have 기모 뜻 lead active and productive lives, they just prefer to do it in comfortable clothing.

Q: Is 기모 뜻 just used to describe clothing made from 기모 fabric?
A: Although 기모 is primarily used to describe clothing made from a certain type of fabric, 기모 뜻 has taken on a broader meaning in Korean society. So, when someone says “I have 기모 뜻” they may not necessarily be referring to the fabric itself, but rather to its broader connotations of comfort, practicality, and authenticity.

Q: Is having 기모 뜻 a negative thing?
A: No, not necessarily. Having 기모 뜻 is simply a personal preference for comfort and practicality over fashion. It’s not a negative quality unless it’s preventing someone from fulfilling their obligations or responsibilities.


In conclusion, 기모 뜻 is a popular Korean phrase that has several meanings depending on the context. While it’s primarily associated with clothing made from a particular type of fabric, it has taken on much broader connotations of comfort, practicality, authenticity, and humility. Understanding the different meanings of 기모 뜻 is important for anyone who wants to learn more about Korean culture and the language itself. So, whether you’re a Korean native or simply inspired by Korean culture, use this article as a guide to help you better understand this unique and popular phrase.

주제와 관련된 이미지 기모 영어로

(한글자막) 오버워치 한국어 더빙을 본 외국인 반응  개웃김 ㅋㅋ
(한글자막) 오버워치 한국어 더빙을 본 외국인 반응 개웃김 ㅋㅋ

기모 영어로 주제와 관련된 이미지 42개를 찾았습니다.

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Article link: 기모 영어로.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 기모 영어로.


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