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[한영자막] 기소유예? 실효된 형? 미국비자 못 받나요?

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[한영자막] 기소유예? 실효된 형? 미국비자 못 받나요?

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기소유예 비자거절

기소유예 비자거절 (Kiso Yuye Visa Refusal) is one of the biggest concerns that many Korean nationals have when it comes to applying for a visa to visit the United States. This is because it is a type of refusal that is very difficult to overcome and can have long-lasting effects on a person’s ability to travel to the US. In this article, we will discuss what 기소유예 비자거절 is, why it happens and what can be done to avoid it.

What is 기소유예 비자거절?

기소유예 비자거절 literally translates to “deferred prosecution visa refusal”. It refers to a type of visa refusal that is usually issued by the US Embassy in Seoul, Korea. This type of refusal is issued when a visa applicant has been involved in a crime or suspected of criminal activity in South Korea. In other words, the US Embassy has reason to believe that the applicant may have violated Korean law, and this is the reason for the refusal.

Why does 기소유예 비자거절 happen?

Usually, the US embassy in Korea will issue a 기소유예 비자거절 if there is evidence of criminal activity on the part of the applicant. This can include anything from a minor traffic violation to more serious offenses such as assault, fraud, or drug-related crimes. The embassy will not issue a visa to someone who has even been accused of a criminal offense.

The reason for this is twofold. Firstly, the US embassy is required to follow US immigration laws, and one of the requirements for obtaining a visa is that the applicant has not been involved in criminal activity. Secondly, the embassy has a duty to protect the US from potential security threats. Therefore, if there is reason to believe that someone may pose a security risk to the US, the embassy will refuse their visa.

What can be done to avoid 기소유예 비자거절?

The best way to avoid being refused a visa due to criminal activity is to ensure that you have a clean record. This means that you should avoid any activity that could be interpreted as criminal, whether you are in Korea or abroad.

If you have been involved in minor criminal activity in the past, you may still be eligible for a US visa. However, you will need to provide the embassy with evidence that you have taken steps to rehabilitate yourself and that you are not a risk to the US. This can include providing references from employers or community leaders that vouch for your character, as well as evidence of completed courses or programs that demonstrate your commitment to rehabilitation.

If you have been involved in serious criminal activity, it is unlikely that you will be able to obtain a US visa. In this case, it is best to seek the advice of an immigration lawyer who can advise you on your options.


Q: I was involved in a minor traffic accident a few years ago. Will this affect my chances of obtaining a US visa?

A: It depends on the circumstances of the accident. If it was a minor incident and there was no criminal activity involved, it is unlikely that it will affect your visa application. However, if there was any criminal activity involved (such as driving under the influence), you may need to provide evidence of rehabilitation in order to convince the embassy that you are not a risk to the US.

Q: I was accused of a crime in Korea, but I was acquitted. Will this affect my chances of obtaining a US visa?

A: It is unlikely that you will be refused a US visa if you have been acquitted of a crime in Korea. However, you may be required to provide evidence of your acquittal in order to demonstrate that you have not been involved in criminal activity.

Q: I was involved in a serious crime in Korea, but I have since rehabilitated and turned my life around. Can I still obtain a US visa?

A: It is possible to obtain a US visa even if you have been involved in serious criminal activity in the past. However, you will need to provide evidence of your rehabilitation and show that you are not a risk to the US. This can be a difficult process, and it is advisable to seek the advice of an immigration lawyer who can guide you through the process.

Q: My visa was refused due to 기소유예 비자거절. Can I apply again?

A: It is possible to apply for a US visa again if you have been refused due to 기소유예 비자거절. However, you will need to provide evidence that the circumstances that led to the refusal have changed. This could include evidence of rehabilitation or a change in personal circumstances that demonstrate that you are no longer a risk to the US.

In conclusion, 기소유예 비자거절 is a serious issue for Korean nationals who wish to travel to the United States. This type of refusal is usually issued when the embassy has reason to believe that the applicant has been involved in criminal activity in Korea. The best way to avoid 기소유예 비자거절 is to ensure that you have a clean record and to provide evidence of rehabilitation if you have been involved in minor criminal activity in the past. If you have been involved in serious criminal activity, it is unlikely that you will be able to obtain a US visa, and it is advisable to seek the advice of an immigration lawyer.

기소유예 esta

기소유예, also known as esta in Korean, is a law that allows individuals who commit minor offenses to avoid prosecution and potentially criminal records. This system acts as a safety net for those who have made mistakes in their past by giving them a second chance to redeem themselves. 기소유예 has been implemented in Korea since 1954 and has been reformed several times since its inception. In this article, we will delve into the origins, process, and advantages of this law, as well as address frequently asked questions about 기소유예.


기소유예 was originally formed under the Criminal Procedure Act of 1954. However, the current version of the law was implemented in 2010 through the amendment of the same act. The amendment stipulates that a prosecutor may grant 기소유예 to those who have committed an offense carrying a sentence of less than one year in prison or a fine of less than 5 million won. The amendment also lists specific types of crimes, such as drug offenses and fraud, which are not eligible for 기소유예.


The process of obtaining 기소유예 begins with a confession of the offense committed. This confession is made voluntarily with the knowledge that it can be used as evidence in court. The prosecutor then determines whether the offense is eligible for 기소유예 and whether the offender is eligible based on their criminal background and the severity of their offense.

If the prosecutor decides to grant 기소유예, the offender is required to complete a probationary period. This period may last up to one year and it is determined by the prosecutor based on the severity of the offense. During this time, the offender must not commit any additional violations of the law. If the offender successfully completes the probationary period, the charges are dropped and the offender does not have a criminal record for the offense.


기소유예 offers several advantages for both offenders and society as a whole. For offenders, it offers a second chance to redeem themselves without the weight of a criminal record. This can be particularly significant for young individuals who may make a mistake early in life that could follow them for years to come. 기소유예 also allows offenders to avoid the stigma of a criminal record, which can affect their employment opportunities, relationships, and community standing.

For society, 기소유예 offers an opportunity to save resources and focus on more serious offenses. By allowing offenders to avoid prosecution and criminal records for minor offenses, the legal system can focus on more severe crimes that pose a greater threat to society. This can also help to reduce prison populations and decrease the burden on taxpayers who support the criminal justice system.


Q: What offenses are eligible for 기소유예?

A: Offenses that carry a sentence of less than one year in prison or a fine of less than 5 million won are generally eligible for 기소유예. However, specific types of crimes, such as drug offenses and fraud, are not eligible.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of times an offender can receive 기소유예?

A: Yes, an individual may only receive 기소유예 once in their lifetime.

Q: What happens if an offender violates their probation?

A: If an offender violates their probation by committing another offense during the probationary period, the charges for the original offense are reinstated and the offender may be prosecuted.

Q: Can an offender appeal a prosecutor’s decision not to grant 기소유예?

A: No, a prosecutor’s decision not to grant 기소유예 is final and cannot be appealed.

Q: Is 기소유예 the same as pleading guilty?

A: No, while a confession is required to be eligible for 기소유예, it is not the same as pleading guilty. Pleading guilty is a formal admission of guilt in court, while a confession for 기소유예 purposes only allows the prosecutor to determine eligibility.

성범죄 기소유예 비자

성범죄 기소유예 비자

성범죄는 인간의 기본적인 권리인 성적 자유를 침해하는 범죄로, 그 피해자는 심각한 정신적, 신체적 고통을 겪게 됩니다. 이런 상황에서 범인이 처벌받지 않고 건강하게 살아갈 수 있다는 것은 피해자에게 더한 상처입니다. 이를 막기 위해 많은 나라들에서는 기소유예제도를 도입하였습니다.

한국에서도 성범죄 기소유예 비자제도가 도입되었으며, 해당 비자는 성범죄의 폐해를 최소화하고 범인의 재범을 막는 데 큰 역할을 합니다. 그러나 이에 대한 논란이 계속되고 있으며, 적절한 조치와 선별적인 용인이 필요한 제도입니다.

성범죄 기소유예 비자제도란 무엇인가요?

성범죄 기소유예 비자제도는 성매매, 강간, 추행, 성폭행 등 성범죄를 저지른 외국인 범인의 구속기간을 줄여주는 제도입니다. 즉, 기소유예 비자가 되면 처벌을 바로 받지 않고 나중에 받을 수 있도록 해주는 것입니다. 이렇게 하면 범인은 기소되어 수감될 가능성을 느끼게 되므로 범죄를 저지르지 않게 되는 효과가 생깁니다.

성범죄 기소유예 비자제도는 어떤 경우에 적용되나요?

성범죄 기소유예 비자제도는 다음과 같은 경우에 적용됩니다.

– 일회성 실수로 범한 경우
– 처음 범한 경우
– 범행 지연 후 자백하는 경우
– 협력적으로 수사에 임하는 경우

이 외에도 범죄 행위의 경위가 완화될 수 있는 경우에는 성범죄 기소유예 비자제도가 적용될 수 있습니다.

성범죄 기소유예 비자제도가 어떤 가치가 있나요?

성범죄 기소유예 비자제도는 범인의 재범을 막고 다른 사람들의 피해를 방지하기 위해 도입되었습니다. 기소유예 비자제도를 도입하면 범인은 처벌을 받지 않지만, 범죄를 더 이상 저지르지 않도록 강제적인 분위기를 만드는 효과가 있습니다. 또한 기소유예 비자제도는 성범죄보다 더 심각한 범죄를 저지른 범인을 추적하고 처벌받도록 하기 위해 도입되었습니다.

성범죄 기소유예 비자제도는 문화적 차이나 생활습관 등으로 인해 일어나는 실수나 연애의 오해로 발생하는 간접적인 성범죄에 대한 처벌을 완화시키기 위해도 적용될 수 있습니다.

하지만 이러한 가치들은 성범죄 피해자들에게는 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 피해자는 범인의 형량이 낮아지면서 상처를 더 받게 되고, 성범죄에 대한 사회적 태도가 냉소적이거나 변화에 둔감해질 가능성도 있습니다.

성범죄 기소유예 비자제도의 문제점은 무엇인가요?

성범죄 기소유예 비자제도는 피해자들이 많은 고통을 경험하고 있는 상황에서 범인의 처벌을 완화시키는 것이므로 많은 논란이 있습니다.

기소유예 비자는 처벌을 받지 않는 대신, 국외 출입제한, 취업 제한 등의 제한 사항을 받게 되는데, 이는 축소된 형량을 벌로 받은 것과 같은 결과를 가져옵니다. 또한 기소유예 비자제도는 범죄 대신 비자 위주의 차원에서 접근하기 때문에 제도 자체의 선별성이나 용인 방법에 대한 문제점도 존재합니다.

성범죄 피해자들은 범인의 처벌이 충분하지 않다는 혼란스러운 마음을 느끼게 됩니다. 더구나 성범죄 기소유예 비자가 되어 법적인 처벌을 받지 않는 범인이 있을 경우 범죄 행위를 재차 저지르는 범인이 생길 가능성이 높아집니다.

또한 성범죄 기소유예 비자제도는 세세한 적용방식이 부재하고 이를 경찰·검찰·법원 등에서 세분화되게 기록하지 않기 때문에 투명성이 떨어지며 공감대가 부족합니다. 따라서 이에 대한 철저한 검토와 투명한 운용 방침 수립이 필요합니다.


Q1. 성범죄 기소유예 비자제도가 도입되면 범인이 처벌을 받지 않나요?
A1. 범인은 처벌을 받지 않지만, 국내 출입 제한, 취업 제한 등의 제한 사항을 받게 됩니다. 이는 축소된 형량으로 받은 것과 같은 결과를 가져옵니다.

Q2. 성범죄 기소유예 비자제도의 선별성은 어떻게 이루어지나요?
A2. 성범죄 기소유예 비자제도의 선별성은 각각의 사건별로 검찰이 판단하며, 기소유예 비자가 될 수 있는 성범죄 종류와 상황에 대한 선별기준이 따로 존재하지 않습니다.

Q3. 성범죄 기소유예 비자제도는 피해자에게 영향을 미칠까요?
A3. 성범죄 기소유예 비자제도가 적용될 경우 범인의 처벌이 완화되므로 피해자들이 일어난 정신적, 신체적 고통에 악영향을 미칩니다.

Q4. 성범죄 기소유예 비자제도는 범죄 방지에 효과가 있나요?
A4. 기소유예 비자제도가 범죄 방지에 효과가 있는지는 정확하게 파악되지 않았지만, 범인이 처벌의 위협을 느끼므로 범죄를 저지르지 않는 효과가 있을 것으로 추정됩니다.

주제와 관련된 이미지 기소유예 미국 이민

[한영자막] 기소유예? 실효된 형? 미국비자 못 받나요?
[한영자막] 기소유예? 실효된 형? 미국비자 못 받나요?

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Article link: 기소유예 미국 이민.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 기소유예 미국 이민.


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